About Akaushi
Clint’s Cattle Company raises and sells Akaushi (Ah-ka-OO-shi) cattle, also known as Red Wagyu or Japanese Brown cattle. Wagyu is a collective term for all Japanese Cattle. Akaushi is a specific Wagyu breed, separate and distinct from other Japanese cattle breeds.
The origin of the breed traces to Kumamoto, Japan where they were developed to withstand the challenging climate and terrain of Kumamoto, but also the refined taste of Japanese consumers.
While Akaushi beef is prized for its marbling and intense flavor, Akaushi cattle boast extremely efficient, consistent production. They excel at important traits, like growth, fertility, vigor and longevity. Akaushi cattle are moderate in frame size and average 1,100 pounds for mature females and 1,700 pounds or greater for mature bulls.
The four breeds of Wagyu Cattle are:
Japanese Black
Japanese Brown
Japanese Poll
Japanese Shorthorn
In the US, both Japanese Black and Japanese Brown are raised by cattle farmers.
All Akaushi are Wagyu, but not all Wagyu are Akaushi.

Health and Taste
Akaushi beef contains a higher concentration of monosaturated fat (MUFA) relative to saturated fat (SFA). In other words, Akaushi beef contains more of the “good” fats and less of the “bad” fats that can build up around internal organs. Consumption of higher levels of MUFA, in conjunction with reduced levels of saturated fatty acids lowers levels of undesirable LDL blood cholesterol without decreasing HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol).
Akaushi beef is known for being well-marbled. Marbling is the white flecks of intramuscular fat in meat that creates a “marble” pattern. Marbling adds flavor and impacts tenderness and moistness of the beef. The USDA grading system rewards marbling above all else.
A Guide To Understanding USDA Beef Grades

USDA SELECT BEEF is normally leaner than Prime or Choice. It is fairly tender, but because it has less marbling, it may not have as much juiciness or flavor. Select beef can be great on the grill, and is also good for marinating or braising.

USDA CHOICE BEEF is high quality, but has less marbling than Prime. Choice roasts and stakes from loin and rib will be very tender, juicy and flavorful and are suited for broiling, roasting or grilling. Less tender cuts, such as from the round are perfect for braising, roasting or simmering on the stovetop with small amount of liquid.

USDA PRIME BEEF is produced from young, well-fed beef cattle. It has slightly abundant marbling and is generally sold in hotels and restaurants. Prime roasts and steaks are excellent for broiling, roasting or grilling.

Akaushi’s History in the United States
The Japanese Association of Akaushi was founded to carefully control the breeding, progeny testing and research that culminated to produce the best-tasting beef in the world.
Four bulls were imported from Japan by Morris Whitney. Two of the bulls (Rueshaw and Judo) were Japanese Brown bulls from the Kumamoto prefecture. Reushaw was the 1975 National Champion bull in Japan.
Dr. Al and Marie Wood (Englewood) purchased 9 Akaushi females and 3 Akaushi bulls in Kumamoto Prefecture 9.
Seven Akaushi females (Namiko, Akiko, Haruko, Fuyuko, Ume, Dai 8 Marunami, Ringo 117) and three Akaushi bulls (Shigemaru, Tamamaru and Hikari) were subsequently purchased and transferred to HeartBrand Ranch in Harwood, Texas.
Namoi and Dai 3 Namiaki went to Ontairo, Canada, along with two calves born in quarantine (Kaedemaru and Momigimaru).
Japanese Venture Partners (JVP) imported two red heifers (124 Kunisakae and 27 Homare). These two heifers were sold to Bruce Hemmingsen in Texas.
Female Dai 9 Koubai 73 was purchased from Yukio Kurosawatsu and females Himawari 245 and Hitomi 244 were purchased from Takeda. These three cattle were ultimately purchased by HeartBrand Ranch.
Aikiko out of Dai 10 Mitsumaru gave birth to Big Al 502, the first Akaushi bull born in the United States.
The Japan government designated Wagyu as a national treasure and began an export ban on all Japanese cattle. Only two of the Wagyu breeds were ever exported, Japanese Black and Japanese Brown.
The American Akaushi breed was approved by the National Pedigree Livestock Council as an official purebred breed from the National Association of Animal Breeders.
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